Thursday, March 8, 2012

Officially graduated

In the first of March, the Department of Mathematics, Universitas Pelita Harapan had 13 candidatures to be graduated in the next graduation ceremony. Together with the board of bachelor degree, we had decided that all of the candidatures have fulfilled all the requirements and we can now congratulate all of them.

The interesting thing is that eleven of them are not only graduated from Department of Mathematics. They have another degree from the same university but from the Department of Informatics. They are the first batch of the double degree program that have successfully completed their double degree.

One of the advantages of the double degree program is about the final project. Even though each department in this university has its requirements when doing the final project, the double degree students are required to do only one final project. Of course, the topic must be significantly related to both department they are in. Fortunately, mathematics and informatics are not so much different. There are a lot of topics that works in both departments. Hopefully, I would be able to publish the topics of their final project in a poster (coming soon).

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